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person walking through a cloud of data


Computational Design

Where design and technology converge to chart your customer journey.

Are You AI Ready?
What relationship will you have with your customer in 2025?

To excel with your customers, you need to know how to serve them exactly in the way they expect to be served. Being AI Ready is about knowing how to speak in the richly human, branded voice of your company while also fluently speaking machine to bring advanced design technologies to understand and fulfill your customers’ needs faster.

To become fully AI Ready, we will take you on a quick journey through the rising value of computational design. 

Computation is the powerful, invisible material that powers the big tech companies’ ability to achieve impossible scales of reach, speed, and accuracy. Design is the traditional craft of bridging human desire with emotional outcomes that bring unparalleled depth to any customer relationship. The merging of computation and design is what lets tech companies disrupt the traditional limits of the adage “you get to only pick two out of three: time, cost, quality” and instead can give you all three. 

When computational design is enhanced with a product sensibility as embodied by our proprietary HOW processes, the result is the ability to reliably deliver higher business value while mitigating risks. The way we can take advantage of computational design in your business use case will vary depending upon your level of investment and level of risk that you wish to undertake, for example:

  • Automating creative asset generation to be fully personalized and considered at any point ranging from consideration, conversion, onboarding, or support.
  • Building a full digital product and platform in under four weeks with one of our rapid response teams to bridge your idea that spans strategy and engineering.
  • Deploy an ever-evolving design system that can adjust seasonally and strategically for your business goals while deepening the connection between your developer and design teams.

In order to ease how your company adapts to the ways of working in Computational Design, which are still new and growing, we bring all the needed communication expertise, learning materials, and advanced tooling to accelerate your digital transformation efforts. In addition we bring distributed and remote working practices and expertise that can benefit your company — which is especially important in the era of COVID-19 and other new enterprise risks associated with collocation. 

As part of HOW we create experiences for companies, our computational design principles are simple and appropriately open-sourced so that more organizations can benefit from our approach. They represent a kind of checklist so that strategy and execution align in ways that are appropriate to the era of the cloud. This is accomplished by our LEAD principle: 

  • Light experiences are immediate. They are defined by their speed, timeliness and responsiveness to the customer.
  • Ethical experiences are truthful. They are open, honest and transparent. They understand the context of your customers’ values.
  • Accessible experiences are without friction. They are inclusive, embrace diversity and are consistent across all touchpoints.
  • Dataful experiences are defined by their intelligence. They personalize interactions and anticipate the audiences’ situation and needs. 


How nimble, simple and responsive is the customer experience? Knowing how siloed the work to create that experience is, where is the “heaviness” today?

Light experiences are immediate. They are defined by their speed, timeliness and responsiveness to the customer.

Image of lightning to signify "light"
Cartoon of a good-hearted person to signify ethical


How do we ensure that competing interests of silos don’t negatively impact the customer’s happiness? Do humanistic and creative principles underpin the work? Do the customers feel connected to your values?

Ethical experiences are truthful. They are open, honest and transparent. They understand the context of your customers’ values.



Are there opportunities to be more inclusive, improve access, and better reflect the brand? How can we achieve goals in a more rapid, efficient, streamlined and cost-effective way?

Accessible experiences are without friction. They are inclusive, embrace diversity and are consistent across all touchpoints.

Letters "EZ" to signify "accessible"
Image of a cloud to signify "dataful"


What are we measuring today, and how might we apply data more effectively to break down silos? And can the many sources of data be used in a more integrated way to make experiences magical.

Dataful experiences are defined by their intelligence. They personalize interactions and anticipate the audiences’ situation and needs. 


Computational Design Will Get You AI Ready

people walking on a field of data
people walking on a field of data
people walking on a field of data

Experience matters

The experience you provide is how you express your brand to your customers. Leveraging a combination of human-sensibilities with technology-capabilities is how to stay ahead of AI.

Computational design will be instrumental on your journey to becoming AI ready because it will vastly accelerate how you go to market with ideas to positively impact your customers.

We can help you design your AI program to respond to the growing and constantly changing demands of your customers from an experiential point of view with computational design.

We should be excited about how instrumentation can empower computational products to deliver extreme convenience to consumers by understanding their every want and need. A priori knowledge of customers lets a company provide service with low-tech methods
John MaedaAuthor of How to Speak Machine: Computational Thinking for the Rest of Us
John Maeda's CX report coming soon

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