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Department of Homeland Security EAGLE II

As a prime contractor in Functional Category 1, Sapient Government Services offers the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) a wide variety of products and services, from software to the design, development, integration and operational maintenance of IT systems.

The goal of EAGLE II is to provide a broad mix of IT services that help DHS meet mission goals, consolidate IT services, provide innovative solutions and save money. EAGLE II is available to all of DHS, as well as other federal agencies that are working on homeland security-related projects.

Learn more about how we can help you meet your mission’s goals through EAGLE II.

Key Points of Contact

Aleksandar Zelenovic, Project Manager


Dan Roche, Vice President


Functional Category 1 - Service Delivery

We have been awarded Eagle II in the Functional Category 1, Service Delivery. This enables us to offer a full range of services in the following areas:

We design, develop and deploy your infrastructure through every step of the process, from initial concept development to connecting the final cable.

We create software custom-tailored to your needs, beginning with development, all the way through testing, integrationand maintenance.

Operations and Maintenance
Once your new systems and software are fully operational, we help you make sure they stay that way by providing help desk and field support, collaborative services, and network and security operations.

Sapient's Quality Assurance Program

Every day, more than a million people depend on the applications and websites we have created for our Fortune 500 and public sector clients. These organizations trust us to develop and maintain applications and websites that are critical to their operations. That’s why our quality assurance process is an integral part of every project we undertake.

Our Quality Program Office (QPO) and Quality and Process Improvement Managers (QPIM) are the true caretakers of our work at Sapient. The QPO manages, monitors, and continuously improves quality throughout the company, while the QPIM manages best practices to help us meet contract requirements.

With contracts like EAGLE II, we establish a set of quality targets, then monitor and maintain them through the life of the project. Together with each task order's performance requirements, standards, and surveillance methods, these metrics ensure that DHS will meet its goals on every aspect of EAGLE II.

Working with the QPO, we use the following contract-level metrics:

  • Customer Satisfaction: Is the customer happy with the work? Measuring for quality on a quarterly basis, we regularly meet standards of nearly 5.0 on a 5.0 scale.
  • Execution to Budget, Plan and Scope: We strive to complete every project on time or sooner, and on or under budget, within the full agreed-upon scope.
  • Teaming partner management: A team must be able to execute at a high level. That means making sure Sapient’s team members are satisfied with our performance as the prime contractor and with our commitment to the stated partnering goals. Our targets include:
    • Meeting the DHS EAGLE II small business subcontracting goals
    • Annual Personnel Turnover: Our target is for a project personnel turnover rate of less than 17%.
    • Innovation: Our target is to identify strategic partnerships, procedures, techniques, and solutions that bring new ideas, manage costs, and improve processes and/or mission effectiveness at DHS.

Resolving Quality Issues

We use several objective methods to prevent, detect, and quickly resolve potential quality issues. Whenever we discover a problem or potential for improvement, the project manager for the affected task order and the EAGLE II project manager are responsible for ensuring that it’s resolved properly.

At Sapient, quality is a continuous process. We use commercial best practices to set measurable goals, monitor processes and outcomes, and improve all work products. Our Core Value of Client-Focused Delivery means committing ourselves to customer satisfaction and high quality results every day. This is the Sapient difference on EAGLE II.


Our partners bring their unique expertise and tremendous value to our collaborations. To learn more about our trusted partners, please contact us.

Core Team

Expanded Team 

Points of Contact

If you’d like to learn more about Sapient’s innovative, creative and cost-effective IT solutions, or if you’re interested in teaming up on future task orders, please contact us. 

For Customer Satisfaction:

Kimberly Simmons
Contracts Manager

For IDIQ Information:

Aleksandar Zelenovic
Project Manager

To Team with Sapient:

Dan Roche
Vice President


Our IDIQs include:    

Centers for Disease Control Information Management Services (CIMS)