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Nestlé Lab

How Nestlé is Driving Growth Through a New Consumer Engagement Model

Ecommerce sales rise 70% in the first year

Nestlé’s infant nutrition business in China was in crisis, losing half its market share in just three years. In the world’s leading infant nutrition market, the world leader in infant nutrition needed to reinvent itself.



Strategy & Consulting
Customer Experience & Design
Technology & Engineering
Enterprise Platforms
Data & Artificial Intelligence
Innovation & Digital Product Management
Consumer Products

The imperative for change

In the face of cultural and technological change, Nestlé Lab's top down, medical advice-driven model was rapidly losing traction with the consumer. The business struggled to respond, with both organizational and agency structures fragmented and siloed.

The transformative solution

The core of Nestlé Lab was a change from being medical advice-focused to creating a new, more responsive way of engaging moms. But it was more than just a change of strategy, Nestlé Lab needed a new way of working. Our brief was an end-to-end business transformation task to move from a traditional medically-focused model to a new digitally-enabled, mom-first model.



We worked across disciplines to deliver engaging campaigns, innovative partnerships and more relevant, always-on rich content for each channel, ecommerce and CRM.

From the outset, Nestlé Lab prioritized recruiting new category users, digital transformation and creative excellence. It has quickly grown to become a dedicated team of 40 specialists, creating a new collaborative capability to accelerate Nestlé’s digital transformation.

Nestlé Lab

How Nestlé reinvented itself in China, the largest infant nutrition market in the world.

A woman and a baby

Business impact

Nestlé Lab has helped reinvent “Brand Building the Nestlé Way” for the digital world and create a new agile model for growth. See the growth for the first 12 months. 

growth in overall sales
growth in ecommerce sales
RMB on Singles Day ecommerce sales
The new engagement model has led to an improved brand image leading to increased brand equity.